There are 60 House Democrats, Blue Dogs (like Obama) and supposed “progressives” alike, who are reaching out to the SUPERCOMMITTEE to continue on with the charade that the CRISIS IN AMERICA is THE DEFICIT and the SOLUTION is FURTHER ECONOMIC RAPING OF THE CITIZENRY, not providing jobs and HELP to struggling Americans who have been paying taxes for years and deserve the rewards of that, not the "freedom" to starve and be homeless and betrayed.
My supposedly moderately “lefty” NYC Dem Congresswoman, Carolyn Maloney, is on the list and I will do all I can to get her out of office for her obtuseness and betrayal! That is a promise, Carolyn, you “knife in the backer”!
We need jobs. The crisis in America is unemployment not an economic deficit.
The challenge is unemployment for 99% of Americans. The challenge, on the other hand, for opportunistic pimped out politicians who not only enable the one percenters but ARE one percenters themselves is to keep their corporate pimps happy.
The politicians will put the pimps’ needs first, of course. But they have become quite adept at conning their real enemies (the enemies a/k/a victims of the corporate pimps), their constituents, that they are doing all they can to take care of said constituents in these dark times. The con game is "Look How Hard I Am Trying." It is bullshit.
There is a very profound collective heart of darkness within our political system.
The politicians, Dem and Republican, need to con (and can with the cognitive dissonant but relentless messaging of the craven corporate media) the 99 percenters that the problem is really the answer (continuing to rob from them) and the solution is really the problem (taking care of 99% of Americans -- like providing jobs and support programs).
The con is that they, the politicians, are actually listening to our cries of desperation -- which actually OWS is heeding, NOT the politicians! These politicians include and are surpassed by one of the greatest corporate puppets and con artists of all time, Barack Obama.
Watch how adeptly Obama does it and will do it more intensely. Proves that politicians can serve their corporate masters and induce Americans to enable their own escalating destruction.
Well, it has been working spectacularly well thus far. Poverty, unemployment, homelessness. The evil perpetrators, corporatists and their political minions, have farther to go. But OWS is finally giving them a run for their money. Correction, for OUR money taken by them and now in their greedy and grubby and evil hands. They are hungry for more.
$16 trillion of taxpayer money has gone to enable the rabid rat bastard fraudsters not only to stay afloat or to detach from their villainy in obscenely enormous golden parachutes or to continue to defraud, as well as give economic and political obscene kickbacks to the Gucci-wearing political direct sandbaggers and promoters of our profound national suffering.
$16 trillion. No wonder Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and other government social and economic programs, including the wimpy skeletal remains of regulating committees, are in trouble of being eliminated or further insanely weakened or gutted.
Remember watching the victims of Katrina suffer and/or die on national television as so littler serious help reached them, as well as so little real political empathy? I'm not talking empty media posturing. How many of us knew that tragedy was also a metaphor for what was happening in America and would continue to happen to more and more of us across the country?
How nice that MSNBC has been so obsessed with the disgusting shenanigans of Herman Cain which deserve attention, of course to a degree, along with the attention paid to all the Republican lineup of political clowns. But come on, not 24/7 attention and to distract from actual US governmental crimes. Instead of speculating on what these maniacs might do at the helm, why not address the horrors actually being perpetrated at the helm by a Democrat named Obama and the other two profoundly betraying governmental branches?
Yes, let’s all celebrate that Obama is not a groper of women BUT NOT minimize that he is a war criminal and also super pimped out to the corporatists!!!! Now he is in a sweet position to extort lots of money from these corporatists, in fact, as they nervously wonder if he will be able to become president again. And if he will give even a little to the struggling 99 percenters. Trust me, he won't. But it is a useful threat for him and his amoral handlers like Axelrod. Oh maybe, once again, a VERY few media op social/job, whatever, program crumbs to Americans his die-hard apologists can point to. But he will use the threat that he just might do something responsible for the 99 percenters for his own careerism. You go, guy. You fill those profiteering election coffers. And then you will quid pro quo reward the corporate rat bastards once again in your second term. You are a gamesman. Never were or aspired to be a statesman.
Pretty soon we are gonna get the full monty -- once again! The avalanche of expensive advertising to seduce us that Obama is the answer when he has been, let’s face it, GWB BEHIND THE MASK. It was one thing to be conned in 2008 by a new amiable and promising media icon. With the evidence of betrayal for anyone with stomach to see it, it will be cruel to watch the con happen all over again. More victims, worse punishments, same old rotten political status quo with the same and new con artists.
This is what Jonathan Tasini has to say about the sixty Dems promoting the sham of a deficit crisis, whom he refers to as THE STUPENDOUSLY STUPID SIXTY (Hi, Carolyn!). Tasini, by the way, has written a book entitled: "It's Not Raining, We're Getting Peed On: the Scam of the Deficit Crisis."
I present to you a list of 60 House Democrats who now say they are willing to lock arms with the people who seek to destroy Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and a sane society--all in the name of embracing the phony deficit and debt "crisis". What the hell is happening here?
The Stupendously Stupid Sixty, who signed a letter, along with a band of Fanatically Foolish Forty Republicans, to the Catfood Commission II--also known as the "SuperCommittee"--have essentially said, "we're on board with cutting Medicare, funding for basic research, veterans benefits--as long as we also raise some taxes". I'll come to why this is a group of Stupendously Stupid Sixty people in a sec.
But, first, drumroll for the Stupendously Stupid Sixty:
Robert E. Andrews (N.J.)
John Barrow (Ga.)
Timothy Bishop (N.Y.)
Dan Boren (Okla.)
Leonard Boswell (Iowa)
Dennis Cardoza (Calif.)
John Carney (Del.)
Kathy Castor (Fla.)
Ben Chandler (Ky.)
Emanuel Cleaver II (Mo.)
Gerry Connolly (Va.)
Jim Cooper (Tenn.)
Jim Costa (Calif.)
Henry Cuellar (Texas)
Danny K. Davis (Ill.)
Peter DeFazio (Ore.)
Diana DeGette (Colo.)
Norm Dicks (Wash.)
Chaka Fattah (Pa.)
John Garamendi (Calif.)
Brian Higgins (N.Y.)
Jim Himes (Conn.)
Steny Hoyer (Md.)
Dale Kildee (Mich.)
Ron Kind (Wis.)
Rick Larsen (Wash.)
John Larson (Conn.)
Daniel Lipinski (Ill.)
David Loebsack (Iowa)
Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.)
Jim Matheson (Utah)
Mike McIntyre (N.C.)
Gregory Meeks (N.Y.)
James Moran(Va.)
William Owens (N.Y.)
Bill Pascrell (N.J.)
Ed Perlmutter (Colo.)
Gary Peters (Mich.)
Collin Peterson (Minn.)
Chellie Pingree (Maine)
Jared Polis (Colo.)
David Price (N.C.)
Mike Quigley (Ill.)
Nick Rahall (W.Va.)
Mike Ross (Ark.)
Steven Rothman (N.J.)
Dutch Ruppersberger (Md.)
Adam Schiff (Calif.)
Kurt Schrader (Ore.)
Allyson Schwartz (Pa.)
Terri Sewell (Ala.)
Heath Shuler (N.C.)
Adam Smith (Wash.)
Mike Thompson (Calif.)
Niki Tsongas (Mass.)
Peter Visclosky (Ind.)
Tim Walz (Minn.)
Mel Watt (N.C.)
Peter Welch (Vt.)
John Yarmuth (Ky.)
From the official megaphone of the party of the Very SeriousPeople--the Washington Post--comes this: "The letter they sent represents a rare cross-party effort for the rancorous House, and its organizers said they hoped it would help nudge the 12-member panel to reach a deal that would far exceed the committee’s $1.5 trillion mandate."
The list is pretty much dominated by Blue Dog Democrats--but, without calling out people by name, you can see people who call themselves "liberals" or even "progressives".They have lost their minds--and they should certainly lose any dime or dollar anyone was thinking of contributing to their campaigns.So, let's understand this:The Stupendously Stupid Sixty are accepting the immoral idea of "shared sacrifice": that the people who have been screwed by the financial crisis, and 30 years of wage obliteration, should shoulder a burden they had no hand in creating.The Stupendously Stupid Sixty, I assume, think that they have done something ingenious--luring a handful of Republicans to intimate, without even promising, that they would accept some tax hike.The Stupendously Stupid Sixty, by doing so, are, at best, engaging in classic Obama negotiating tactics: start negotiating from your own 20-yard-line and work backwards to your end zone. For the non-football fans, think, "oh, please, please, here take my house, my children, my watch, my left leg, now, it's your turn: what will you give me?"Translation: our tax rates are horrendously low for the very wealthy and, as the Citizens for Tax Justice shows us today, scores of corporations do not pay any taxes, and we waste tens of billions of dollars on corporate welfare. So, why would any DEMOCRAT be part of a discussion that does not start: "here are the serious tax increases we will support because that's patriotic and American, now, you demonstrate whether there is any need to cut a single dime from social programs?"Most important, the Stupendously Stupid Sixty are playing this game when there is no debt or deficit "crisis". None. Zero.WELL SAID, JONATHAN!!!! Hope you run for a NY office again!By the way, OWS is the enemy of over 99% of the politicians in America. We need to remember this as the media and political gamesmanship ramps up concerning OWS as well as concerning the betraying SUPERCOMMITTEE'S ECONOMIC TERRORISM. The economic terrorism of the Obama administration is as murderous as its military terrorism. Trust me. I am not being hyperbolic on either score.
Well said Libby, if anything you have been generous in describing the filth. The financial crisis in the US is unemployment, without jobs for the majority there is no revenue to support society at all.
The truth is it's us or them, they will be only too happy if millions die off. People who don't understand this may be good people struggling to understand evil, but they need to wake up and face the truth; some people are just evil and they have managed to work their way to the top.
I remember Katrina, I remember many things for the past few decades. I see much blood on the hands of the few and no remorse for the needless deaths or suffering. It's us or them, they will not care how many die as long as they make more money. They have some defect or sociopathy, they must go or many will die.
The truth does not care if we like it or not, it just is. Thank you for an excellent post.
The truth is it's us or them, they will be only too happy if millions die off. People who don't understand this may be good people struggling to understand evil, but they need to wake up and face the truth; some people are just evil and they have managed to work their way to the top.
I remember Katrina, I remember many things for the past few decades. I see much blood on the hands of the few and no remorse for the needless deaths or suffering. It's us or them, they will not care how many die as long as they make more money. They have some defect or sociopathy, they must go or many will die.
The truth does not care if we like it or not, it just is. Thank you for an excellent post.
I will tell what Libby there are no differences between democrats and republicans they all need to be strung up with piano wire in the middle of seventh avenue. So we owe the the Chinese a trillion dollars almost all of it stolen by Li Ka-shing with the help of Winston Partners which is a subsidiary of the CIA run by Marvin Bush. Guess what Mr. Chinamen 9 nuclear powered aircraft carrier groups say you will never see one dime of that money and we will also be confiscating all your property holdings in America after you extradite Li Ka-shing so we can hang him right next to his partner Marvin Bush. Otherwise we will be glad to assist you in solving Chinas population problem!
Well written, Libby, and needless to say, I agree completely.
One of the few times, ms o'herir, an american teaching in China (where I have, also, lived and taught) saw fit to agree with me was when I published this in a comment:
A few thoughts of Sun Tzu written several hundreds years B.C.,which still hold a prominent position in Chinese thoughts on war:
"Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
"For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."
With mr hopey changey waging war on four continents, the only available targets are (other than expanding within the aforementioned four) Canada, the Arctic, and Antarctica.
america will have long been consigned to the dustbin of history, as the golden age of China surpasses the tiny glimmer of time when america held such prominence.
PS - With more than a year to go, I am shocked to see even the "progressive"side of OS, already, pledging allegiance to a second term for the war criminal/liar extraordinaire, rather than see what may arise in the interim.
As I've said before obambi should be running from justice in the Hague rather than a second term.
One of the few times, ms o'herir, an american teaching in China (where I have, also, lived and taught) saw fit to agree with me was when I published this in a comment:
A few thoughts of Sun Tzu written several hundreds years B.C.,which still hold a prominent position in Chinese thoughts on war:
"Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
"For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."
With mr hopey changey waging war on four continents, the only available targets are (other than expanding within the aforementioned four) Canada, the Arctic, and Antarctica.
america will have long been consigned to the dustbin of history, as the golden age of China surpasses the tiny glimmer of time when america held such prominence.
PS - With more than a year to go, I am shocked to see even the "progressive"side of OS, already, pledging allegiance to a second term for the war criminal/liar extraordinaire, rather than see what may arise in the interim.
As I've said before obambi should be running from justice in the Hague rather than a second term.
yup - i agree. the beast is being starved - and the money behind the deal wants to keep the tax free interest coming - even if the bridge they are driving across would have failed an inspection - had there been one! freeze all federal pensions - chop all congressional pensions in half as a weaker us gov will be even less able to defend itself and the 'merikan people from global corps.
Friends, forgive my lapse in responding. My corporate sweatshop is getting even more seriously sweatshoppy!!! RL sure grabs time from popping off on blogs.
l'Heure! I agree. I think Tasini's calling them out as "stupid" as someone on correntewire also observed is not right on. It is "evil" more than stupid! But I appreciated his anger and emotion as well as alliteration!
No remorse, no empathy, no lessons learned of our governmental betraying one percenters! Just escalation of injustice and indifference. Surreal levels of indifference!
I have a relative by marriage that is fighting to stay alive because she has no insurance! She is forty-something. I call it attempted murder of a single mother of five! Obama and his talk to the hand giveaway to the vendors at the survival, literally, of millions!!!!!!
Thanks for responding! Dems and Repubs, why can't so many people see that they are both enemies of the 99 percenters???? libby
l'Heure! I agree. I think Tasini's calling them out as "stupid" as someone on correntewire also observed is not right on. It is "evil" more than stupid! But I appreciated his anger and emotion as well as alliteration!
No remorse, no empathy, no lessons learned of our governmental betraying one percenters! Just escalation of injustice and indifference. Surreal levels of indifference!
I have a relative by marriage that is fighting to stay alive because she has no insurance! She is forty-something. I call it attempted murder of a single mother of five! Obama and his talk to the hand giveaway to the vendors at the survival, literally, of millions!!!!!!
Thanks for responding! Dems and Repubs, why can't so many people see that they are both enemies of the 99 percenters???? libby
Thanks, Jack for chiming in re the mirrored MONEY PARTIES that don't give a serious shit about ordinary people. Your story about China and the CIA ... I need to hear more about that to comprehend what is going on. The more we know of the real black-op murderous profiteering shenanigans the more surreal and horrifying the evil becomes! I keep thinking it can't go deeper, but the sub-basements of evil keep on going down down down down. best, libby
Mark, thanks for donating some of your great and intelligent righteous energy! Well said this:
"With mr hopey changey waging war on four continents, the only available targets are (other than expanding within the aforementioned four) Canada, the Arctic, and Antarctica."
"With more than a year to go, I am shocked to see even the "progressive"side of OS, already, pledging allegiance to a second term for the war criminal/liar extraordinaire, rather than see what may arise in the interim."
As I wrote in my comments above, there is no difference in the parties. The status quo is rotten and murderous and enabled by both parties to the hilt. It is all gamesmanship! The whole kabuki of the election is so insane. We all line up to vote for people who have sold out to the one percent. But the media does its best to make it all so titillating and significant! We the sheeple, shorn and slaughtered.
best, libby
"With mr hopey changey waging war on four continents, the only available targets are (other than expanding within the aforementioned four) Canada, the Arctic, and Antarctica."
"With more than a year to go, I am shocked to see even the "progressive"side of OS, already, pledging allegiance to a second term for the war criminal/liar extraordinaire, rather than see what may arise in the interim."
As I wrote in my comments above, there is no difference in the parties. The status quo is rotten and murderous and enabled by both parties to the hilt. It is all gamesmanship! The whole kabuki of the election is so insane. We all line up to vote for people who have sold out to the one percent. But the media does its best to make it all so titillating and significant! We the sheeple, shorn and slaughtered.
best, libby
Thanks, snowden for adding your always refreshing sensibility and expression of it! Lesser of two ENORMOUS evils is still ENORMOUS evil, imho! libby
from Chris Floyd:
"We will see more, much more of this. You can smell the fear in the boardrooms (and in their bought-and-paid-for extensions, the government offices) around the world, as our mighty statesfolk flail at the global economic meltdown their own policies have unleashed -- with no other answer than to keep imposing "austerity" measures, one after another, destroying the societies they've feasted upon for so long. And has there even been such a gaggle of fourth-rate poltroons, of shallow, witless, gormless goobers as the leaders of the "developed" world these days? Sarkozy, Cameron, Merkel, Berlusconi, Obama ....? It's like the last tribal council on Easter Island. All they have left are lies, delusions -- and brutality."
from Chris Floyd:
"We will see more, much more of this. You can smell the fear in the boardrooms (and in their bought-and-paid-for extensions, the government offices) around the world, as our mighty statesfolk flail at the global economic meltdown their own policies have unleashed -- with no other answer than to keep imposing "austerity" measures, one after another, destroying the societies they've feasted upon for so long. And has there even been such a gaggle of fourth-rate poltroons, of shallow, witless, gormless goobers as the leaders of the "developed" world these days? Sarkozy, Cameron, Merkel, Berlusconi, Obama ....? It's like the last tribal council on Easter Island. All they have left are lies, delusions -- and brutality."
The establishment is trying to put a band aid on the economic problems without acknowledging the fact that the fundamental basis for the current economy is seriously flawed! they've been sending deceptive advertising budgets through the roof and simultaneously cutting manufacturing and service expenses to the bone. Other things they spend a growing amount of money on include lobbying, public relations which is also deceptive, campaign contributions and of course they keep a growing amount of the loot for profits.
Bottom line people who do worthwhile productive work get screwed; those, with connections, that run scams get paid the big bucks for fraudulent activity.
Part of the reason they have taken it to this extreme is because they've been steadily increasing the amount of indoctrination they've been doing to children over the last couple decades; which by the way is what I just wrote about and I'm guessing by one of your past posts that you might be interested in it. If you find the time to look at it I would welcome any input you might have; it is longer than most so if you don't have time it is understood.
Bottom line people who do worthwhile productive work get screwed; those, with connections, that run scams get paid the big bucks for fraudulent activity.
Part of the reason they have taken it to this extreme is because they've been steadily increasing the amount of indoctrination they've been doing to children over the last couple decades; which by the way is what I just wrote about and I'm guessing by one of your past posts that you might be interested in it. If you find the time to look at it I would welcome any input you might have; it is longer than most so if you don't have time it is understood.
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