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Saturday, March 28, 2015

BOYCOTT/PROTEST NewsHour's BLACKOUT of 3rd Party Candidates! (10-10-12)

I am proposing several actions for citizens troubled by the NewsHour’s blackout of third party presidential candidates. A blackout of the issues of the constituencies of third party presidential candidates.
I propose similarly concerned fellow citizens:
Boycott the PBS NewsHour between October 15th and 19th, 5 broadcast days.
Email a complaint to the NewsHour about the lack of coverage of third party candidates (come on, it will only cost you a few minutes):
Send a U.S. snail mail complaint (again a matter of minutes and a stamp):
MacNeil/Lehrer Productions
2700 South Quincy Street
Arlington, VA 22206
Contact PBS Ombudsman, Michael Getler:
Getler’s address & phone:
Public Broadcasting Service
2100 Crystal Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
And/Or Contact your local PBS station/producer.
For me in NYC: 
PO Box 21
One Channel 21 Drive
Plainview, NY 11803
Phone: 516-367-2100
Fax: 516-692-7692
Time to transcend Team Dem or Team Repub or Team "Other" gamesmanship!
Whether or not you intend to vote for a third party candidate, not vote, or intend to vote for one of the two main legacy party candidates don’t you agree that the corporate media’s chillingly thorough “icing out” of the third party presidential candidates and their issues sabotages our supposed democracy?
One of the premier national news shows is PBS’s The NewsHour. Yet the NewsHour has willfully promoted the impression there are only two eligible candidates for president, Obama and Romney.
The NewsHour is so often praised, so frequently trusted as a reliable news source.
The other day I lost my temper once again with the NewsHour. They were doing a story on college students and their preferences for president. Jill Stein of the Green Party is popular among many college students. Stein promises if elected to champion them in their fight against colossal debt. Stein maintains that a government that is willing to bail out the reckless corporatists with over ten trillion dollars of taxpayer dollars ought to be willing to help the young people in America struggling to become educated. Yet, there was no mention of Jill Stein among the deliberately chosen NewsHour interviewee college students.
This deliberate blackout of all the third party candidates is a continuing pattern with all corporate media including the supposedly progressive ones.
I am an advocate for Jill Stein of the Green Party. I knew what her long chances were when I started to promote her over a year ago. But I never dreamed she would remain so unknown to so many people. The corporate-political-media conspiracy against her and other third party candidates makes me think of the old fairy tale in which the name “Rumplestiltksin” was not to be known or uttered. Stein even got arrested at one point for protesting mortgage foreclosures and it was willfully ignored by all corporate media.
It reminds me, too, of when I was promoting single payer universal health care. I would go to public rallies and then come home and there would be no mention of that healthcare alternative on the television as the news people and guest pols proclaimed the Obama administration had put ALL options on the table. That universal health care option was too threatening to the lucrative corporate profiteering of the medical industry.
There are only half a dozen media conglomerates throughout the world controlling what is communicated to the mass public. A monopolizing cartel in charge of the vast distribution of strategically spun information, disinformation or the blockage of information that would be vital and relevant to those of us not in the corporate elite class.
I remember a T-shirt I read at a single payer protest a while back. It read, “Politics is NOT a spectator sport.” But the media, including the NewsHour, and pols and corporatists want us to think it is. They want to induce us into thinking EXACTLY what they want us to think, voting for EXACTLY whom they want us to vote for. They want to seductively “take care of our little brains” by promoting convenient propaganda "group-think" that often goes against our own welfare and future. They want us to experience a “consumer” more than a “citizen” identity. They want to encourage us AT ALL COSTS to stay inactive and not become pro-active.
Let’s face it. The media, political and corporate ruling class elites are no friends to humanity right now! We have to save ourselves along with the rest of the world from them and their war-mongering and citizen rights and economic welfare razing agendas!
Richard Moore calls what the media does as fabricating “collective illusion” in his book, “Escaping the Matrix..." He quotes Morpheus addressing Neo from The Matrix movie: “... the world that was pulled over your eyes to hide you from the truth ... as long as the Matrix exists humanity cannot be free.” Moore contends the majority of American citizens sleep-walk about in a collective “surreality,” lost to a toxic mythology, product of the collusion of “officialdom” and corporate media.
Robert Parry doesn’t mince words in talking about US citizens being stampeded by politicians and corporate media into more wars. In “Herding Americans to War with Iran” he puts it this way:
For many Americans the progression toward war with Iran has the feel of cattle being herded from the stockyard into the slaughterhouse, pressed steadily forward with no turning back, until some guy shoots a bolt into your head.
Big media endorses and minimizes the amorality of US wars abroad and the devastation of citizen welfare domestically.
Big media wears a corporate-political leash and it’s primary job is to attach said leash to us as well. They are successful with too many of us.
Third party candidates are pushing back. Trying to. They are insisting REAL and VITAL issues be addressed. Taxes & the Rich. Military Budget. Unemployment. Homelessness. Health Care. Hunger. Poverty. Environment. Hydrofracking. Nuclear Power. Privatization of Schools, Prisons, etc. Police-State Tactics. Women’s Rights. NDAA. Gay Rights. Corporate Deregulation. Guns. Veteran Issues. Drones. War. Trade. Iran. Iraq. Afghanistan. Libya. Syria. Israel/Palestine. Torture. Social Security. Medicare. The list goes on and on.
How many of these issues did you hear discussed and explored during the recent presidential debate? How many of them do you think will be seriously addressed and explored in the next four weeks and beyond by the winning candidate?
Third party candidates on the dais would have made sure they were addressed and explored during the debate! That is why the corporate controllers would not let them participate.
I have no idea if any but myself will be boycotting, emailing, writing and calling to protest this one show in a sea of so many. But ripples of protest no matter how small contribute to movement!!!
Thanks for hearing me out and for any action you take on this or any other similar pro-citizen ventures.

[cross-posted on correntewire and sacramento for democracy] 
The News Hour on PBS has long been an arm of the propaganda wing of the corporate elite who run this country. They are particularly effective because of their air of trustworthiness about them since they are part of our "Public" Broadcasting System. I'm sure the corporate donors to The News Hour have made it perfectly clear not to allow 3rd party candidates any airtime. I already boycott The News Hour, but I will write to them to let them know I am disappointed in them.
I just emailed the News Hour encouraging them to cover 3rd party candidates in the next few weeks before the election. Thanks for your post which motivated me to do so.
All Things Considered held a 3rd party debate last Saturday, and it was the first time I heard both Gary Johnson and Jill Stein outline their platforms. They maybe be rebroadcasting it. Informative and sane.

3rd Party Debate
"There are only half a dozen media conglomerates throughout the world controlling what is communicated to the mass public. "

Yes. Those mass medias have really much power and they are joined with big corporations producing ... war machinery and related stuff.

Is there any real hope that Net publishing like OS can make any difference?
I've emailed them - it is obscenity personified. Thanks for drawing attention this despicable reality.

AP, You write and I agree:

"The News Hour on PBS has long been an arm of the propaganda wing of the corporate elite who run this country. They are particularly effective because of their air of trustworthiness about them since they are part of our "Public" Broadcasting System."

Thanks so much for writing.

I still don't boycott the NewsHour because I want to know what is being presented to the us nationally and sometimes they do good things but I know it is dangerous and I can be seduced and as it drifts right and I drift left more and more sirens go off in my head. Frontline used to inspire me and sometimes still does and other times makes me shake my head.

I am glad you are writing them. PBS jumping thru corporate hoops but the right and Romney are still going to go after them. Sigh. Meanwhile they are back-stabbing citizens of conscience on the left! When I see the manufacture of consent for war with Syria and Iran as it was presented for war with Libya I get nauseous.

Lehrer and Judy and Gwen have all cronied up as has Charlie Rose. Maybe they are boiled frogs. Maybe they are just now part of the 1% themselves and looking out for their interests.

I see someone like Chris Hayes and I see potential but he is part of the corporate TEAM and cronyism and money corrupts. Look at Rachel. Sigh. Jon Stewart when people were finally getting angry suddenly preaches we must be civil and use our indoor voices. There is the corporate-political leash on all of them. Some of them for ratings are given longer ones than others, but that leash is on them.

Bill Moyers show is one that I seek out now to be bullshit-less.

Thank God for access to websites one trusts to get the inconvenient truths for American politicians and corporations from -- though corporate psychopaths are trying their best to pull out that plug.

best, libby
Chicken maaan, thanks for the head's up and good for you!!! NPR is another very trusted and admired source. Sometimes they are wonderful, sometimes they are delivering propaganda. And when it is ignoring war crimes and helping to war monger it is scary. I want to celebrate they are giving them coverage and I also ask why did it take them so bloody long?

best, libby
Libby, excellent points made here and I'll be emailing them, too! I watch the show every evening so I am totally up to speed on what they're up to and what gets left out.

Interestingly enough, my 4th post on OS just after joining in May, 2oo8 was about the continual log rolling that goes on with the program in which favorites of the staff constantly get on the air with their books and documentaries. Investigative reporters like Joe Conason and David Corn apparently don't have the "right stuff" when it comes to the show's management.
Hannu! Thanks for commenting. Great to see you.

I think it is scary that so many Americans are so dependent on getting their world view from sources that are supporting psychopathic-corporate-self-serving agendas at the expense of mankind. I mean, that really does sound like fascism. It also reminds me of the wall screens in the book Fahrenheit 451 that relayed what the citizens SHOULD BE THINKING. The "book people" who read not burned those troublesome books were disenfranchised and lived elsewhere but the wall screens blacked out that reality, even at the end telling the people and showing them fakely that Montag, the hero ex-fireman who used to burn books, had been killed.

I wonder what is happening to me from my chronic at times tv watching. all those commercials assaulting us with their hype. All those crime shows, L&Os especially. What does that mean about me and us? Maybe looking for accountability for evil. We sure aren't getting it from our government.

There are still brave journalists out there. American and other nationalities. Some dying to deliver the truth. Some tortured and detained.

I remember hearing the story about the 100 monkeys. When 100 monkeys get the truth then sensibility of the truth immediately spreads through the entire monkey nation. We are still very short apparently of our 100 monkeys, relatively and metaphorically speaking! But Bishop Fulton Sheen once said, "Better to light one candle than curse the darkness." And that wonderful quote from M. Mead about the power of a small group of committed citizens changing the world.

The media, Hannu, also wants us to believe there are fewer people of conscience out here than there are and that we are not worthy of mention or consideration if our existence once in a blue moon actually penetrates the media sound barrier! That is why there is this boycott and blackout on real liberal values and ideas and solutions!

I think it is about ripples. Bleue used to remind me of that. She is right. And I want to be on the right side of history no matter how many people aren't. Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to stand there or move over there. The more of us exercising courage and empathy the more inspiring we are to each other and the safer we will all be.

I also remind myself I am better at talking the talk than walking the walk myself and need to face that and get walking more.

best, libby
Mark, thanks for commenting and acting!!! I know they are sensitive still to both their corporate sponsors but also their people contributors more than other shows. I hope it makes some kind of impact!!! best, libby
designanator, I love the expression "log rolling"!!! I think I get the gist of it but if you can elaborate or I will do more googling.

There is a little crony circle of regulars. Granted Meet the Press with David Gregory makes the NewsHour group seem like all Einsteins, but something is terribly wrong with their cronyism. With their Pentagon consultants and the same talking heads and their game of you talk then you talk then you talk and no conclusions, especially MORAL conclusions are ever made. I think I wrote a blog with the title for Michael Beschloss to STFU!!! Seriously.

When David Brooks joined the game I wondered when Mark Shields had undergone a lobotomy. Granted Brooks has that horrifying "I am that last word on everything faux-serenity superciliousness" that might be hard to really argue with frontally, but still. Shields no longer speaks from the serious left.

You wrote and I agree:

One of my pet peeves about the programming is the attention given to some occasional contributors of the NewsHour when they've come out with a new book. Some examples of this would be Robin MacNeil, Michael Beschloss, Richard Rodriguez, and Anne Taylor Fleming. By contrast, when a host of books started appearing on bookshelves about the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore I never saw one author on the program to discuss his/her book on the topic. When an author like Paul Krugman* pens a timely book such as "The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century" you will never see it on the NewsHour.

So glad you came by, designanator!

best, libby
Libby, many thanks for checking out the 2008 post and your great comment there and also here on your post in response to my comment above!

I will mention that on any given evening after seeing Ch. 21's 6 PM broadcast of the NewsHour I switch over to CurrentTV to check out Young Turks, followed by other shows such as Eliot Spitzer, etc. It was night before last that Young Turks had Jill Stein on the program which we know is more than the NewsHour has done even though both shows air for one hour each weeknight. Another 3rd party candidate, Gary Johnson, has been on some Fox Business Channel shows such as John Stossel and the now canceled Judge Napolitano program. Ron Paul also had appearances on Napolitano's show, however, Jill Stein was never on either--and so it goes!
(psst - earth to libby - the only time the "mainstream" media suppresses coverage of 3rd party candidates is when those candidates are left of center, and pose a risk to the electoral majority of the democratic party. when a 3rd party candidate like Perot appears, he's on the news 24/7. And it works too. Perot is the guy most responsible for Clinton beating Bush the first. This isn't a complaint about Clinton . . . )
Shields no longer speaks from the serious left. 

I suspect Mark Shields speaks from the serious left. I suspect you would rather he speak from the part of the left in which you are positioned.

Be thankful for Mark Shields, Libby. If it weren't for liberals like Mark Shields, the left would be even more dysfunctional than it is now.
One E-mail down more later. PBS is already a corporate pawn and Mitt Romney want them to sell deceptive ads to children so they can suppress their thinking skills before they develop; Barack Obama pretends to be opposed to this.
Just emailed them and removed them from my link list. PBS has become more and more beholden to corporate sponsorship with the endless attacks on its public funding.

I would vote for the Green, Libertarian or Justice Party before I ever vote for another Dummycrat or Republikaaner or Afrikaaner or whatever the old white man's separatist apartheid movement is now called.

Perot with all his money pushed his way in. It was good he did. Also, that was then, this is now and the price tag to get in the game with or without corporate sponsorship is off the charts. So of course the corporatists win.

Stein and other third party candidates standing up for non-bribing and non-corporate lobbying of a candidate, being a real people's party of integrity and values of course is at a disadvantage even though her platform and those of other 3rd party candidates speak to the heart of the crises this country is having. Unlike the craven corporate legacy parties of Obama and Romney.

So Obama didn't utter the words poverty and joblessness during the debate on DOMESTIC ISSUES (wtf?) because I suppose by acknowledging the reality he has helped create he didn't want to surrender any "weakness" sound bites and maybe the "important 1% citizens" wouldn't like our needs -- the needs of the lower 99% --addressed. This country is now a country of, for and by the upper 1%.

I can't believe so many of the 99% are willing to rise to defend the very ones destroying our welfare and our country.

Stein if she had a Gallop poll ranking of 15% could have joined though if she were close the corporate committee for the debate just would have raised the percentage I suspect. Of course Stein couldn't get the 15% because she was not acknowledged by the corporate media AT ALL. They bent so over backwards not to. She has 2.4% I heard a while ago, two million Americans committing to vote for her but I suspect there are a lot more. She travelled all over the country and impressed a lot of people, but she had formidable opposition -- a national corporate media dead against her because they are on a short corporate-political leash growing ever shorter.

She should have been a household name by now. She could have been except for craven corporate media that no longer covers the news in a trustworthy way but is used for propaganda!

best, libby
frank, I always tried to catch Shields' commentary on Friday nights, because I respected him so much. Somehow that Shields is gone. I know I am more radical than I used to be, but something happened to him. Was it the chemistry with creepy David Brooks or did his own cronyism with the Dem power brokers break him, too. I suspect both.

You still consistently not seriously defend or explain a craven Obama administration but use the best defense of a good (?) offense mode. Poverty, joblessness, war crimes. When are you going to address the reality that Obama has given us, Frank? So much evidence through four years of Obama's servitude to the corporate 1%. Are you a one percenter, Frank, who doesn't care about the welfare of the bottom 99%? Or just a supplier of toxic Dem kool aid because ... because ... tell why. Don't accuse. Explain what Obama is giving us seriously. And back it up with facts, not "truthiness" and empty "cronyism".

best, libby
zachd, thanks so much. i hope they heed some intelligent and wise feedback. it is so frustrating, isn't it? Stein coulda been a serious contender so the corporate blockage was so shameless and total. PBS now one more pimped out station of the corporatists. best, libby
TL, thanks for writing and your strong statements here and on your blog! The political corporate leash is now around the PBS necks. Sigh. The lesser evil tv show has jumped the shark into intolerable evil or what should be intolerable to many of a citizenry who still refuse to wake up. best, libby
Are YOU serious about asking if fRANK's gonna change, Libby? Have You lost Your marbles?

Professor Dennis Loo (World Can't Wait, et al) just remarked to fRANK that it is nice to see that apisa hasn't changed and I commented to Dennis that fRANK has gone from bat sh*t crazy to more bat sh*t crazy, and that at that advanced stage, it was difficult to discern the difference.

Sorry for using Your copyrighted phraseology.

Look at it this way. If every blog one visits, they are met with disdain, derision, and scorn, yet one continues to do the same thing repeatedly - well You know what Einstein said about that kind of behavior.

Masochism ("Self-defeating personality disorder") personified.

fRANK's neurons stopped connecting so long ago, that I doubt he even realizes the clown he so proudly displays himself to be.
frank, I always tried to catch Shields' commentary on Friday nights, because I respected him so much. Somehow that Shields is gone. I know I am more radical than I used to be, but something happened to him. Was it the chemistry with creepy David Brooks or did his own cronyism with the Dem power brokers break him, too. I suspect both. 

Libby, I have always admired Shields…and still do. Any changes I see in him (not all that much, really) I see as positive changes. I dare to presume that any change may be more a function of the influence on Shields of David Gergen rather than David Brooks.

David Gergen has become one of the most reliable, reasonable talking faces on television…and I think many of the left-leaning commentators have come to realize that being less partisan gets messages across better than the way some of them (including
Shields) were using.

You still consistently not seriously defend or explain a craven Obama administration but use the best defense of a good (?) offense mode. Poverty, joblessness, war crimes. When are you going to address the reality that Obama has given us, Frank? So much evidence through four years of Obama's servitude to the corporate 1%. Are you a one percenter, Frank, who doesn't care about the welfare of the bottom 99%? Or just a supplier of toxic Dem kool aid because ... because ... tell why. Don't accuse. Explain what Obama is giving us seriously. And back it up with facts, not "truthiness" and empty "cronyism".

I am a pragmatist, Libby. I think that if Romney were to win this election, the far-right would consider it an absolute mandate to dismantle in any way possible the social safety nets now in place…and will insure that no further nets are put into place. I think Romney will be required by his string-pullers to stack SCOTUS to insure that happens.

You may think that the same happens with the Democrats and Obama…but I honestly, and respectfully as possible, think you are dead wrong.

I suspect we will find out, because I think your campaign to throw Obama out is going to succeed. I say he is toast. And we will see if our country; the disadvantaged; and the world is the better for that happening.

I love ya for your fire and dedication, Libby. I wish we had more on my side of the line like you.
Frank Apisa is a mindless Obama sycophant.
Leeds with all due respect, You seriously understate the severity of fRANK's debilities, no disrespect intended to mindless sycophants.
Frank, If Romney wins I will not take responsibility for that. I will hold responsible my former fellow Dems who enabled a war criminal and a white collar criminal who deserved impeachment not re-election to continue on for four years without calling him out and demanding accountability. Romney promises to continue the criminality on.

I intend to wear a black armband on election day no matter who wins. There is reason to grieve for this country.

best, libby
I have been emailing and writing letters to PBS and the other news networks for their biased coverage of elections and all the other major issues that matter to Americans. To be honest, I can't see that it has done much good. I think it's time to up the ante with direct action.
Stuart, Point made.

is it that much to ask people to zip off an email to the NewsHour? It is not much to ask a third party person and it is not much to ask someone voting for a legacy party to email the NewsHour with a legitimate complaint. Third party candidates would have helped all of us bring up significant issues and illuminate what we all should know by now, how the corporate parties and media are simply bulldozing us and our quality of life and our rights in this country. Many have said they would vote for Stein if they thought she would win, even.

And yet even taking less than two minutes to zip off an email seems to be beyond the interest and inclination of citizens on open salon. Maybe they think it is too small or won't matter. Maybe they think it is too much support for a third party candidate. Maybe they just wouldn't give pushy me the satisfaction. Who knows?

Divided we all fall.

You want something BIGGER? So would I. How do you incentivize activism? Mass activism.

The move to activism is a Grand Canyon to apparently cross for most people

No wonder we as a US citizenry are dead meat. Even after so much exploitation.

Don't get between a citizen and their tv set. That is one thing, too, maybe. And yet that is where the propaganda flooding us is coming from. All the bullshit rarely being called out. Who can fight a flood?

best, libby

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