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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Superficial, Hypocritical, Insolent Obama at UN (9-26-12)

So on Tuesday morning Obama shoveled forth his hollow “we are the mighty righteous ones” rhetoric once again while threatening another war -- a major war -- with Iran.
Granted, this is not big news to anyone, considering the massive deaths and displacements, past and ongoing, from the violence perpetrated by the US/NATO/Israel in the Middle East. Also considering the sustained US corporate media drumbeats and an awesomely bipartisan for Israel codependent Congress having been railing for war with Iran for a good long time now.
This time Obama’s lame, high-flying rhetoric righteously justifying the craven war-mongering -- with jingoistic flourishes for those of us in the cheap seats -- was made while addressing the opening session of the General Assembly of the UN.
The speech also was made, keep in mind, to an American media audience preparing to vote in November. Obama’s rhetorical tightrope walk is to placate his oligarchical overlords of the one-percent whom he has served consistently and faithfully since his taking office, as well as to posture for his pathologically tenacious citizen “believers” who, let’s face it, don’t seem to give a serious shit about the Obama administration’s mounting number of international war crimes. Those who will follow Obama anywhere just for not being Mitt Romney, the same way they rewarded him with four years of stunningly BLIND loyalty simply for not being George Bush.
It was the fourth time the Nobel Peace Prize winner got to prove in front of the UN how profoundly he did not deserve such a prize, but what the hey, those Nobel fools gave it to Kissinger once upon a time, too.
Bill Van Aukenof wsws describes the delegates’ response to Obama as “tepid.”
So the US president is a puppet of the USWarMachine. He guaranteed to the delegates and the citizens of the US that the monstrous momentum of US military aggression will continue. There will be more CIA black ops destabilization. There will be more economic international bullying. All these dismal guarantees frosted over with the requisite “championing democracy” bullshit.
Van Auken cites this passage from Obama to the UN delegates:
“Make no mistake: a nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained, it would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy. It risks triggering a nuclear arms race in the region and the unraveling of the non-proliferation treaty. That is why… the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”
Obama emphasized that Iran’s window of time for diplomatic non-violent accommodation to the US (and, Israel) “is not unlimited.”
The explosion of anti-American rage across the Middle East was also cited by Obama as a target for more flexing of our military control. Yes, Mr. President, we must “crackdown” on such troubling demonstrations as if YOU and your administration and the one before you had nothing whatsoever to do with seeding them from shock and awe violence. With such anti-Americanism raging world wide this also guarantees there is a much bigger pool of victims for Obama to assassinate-drone from. This implied recourse of his was assuredly not lost on the delegates.
Van Auken points out that Obama mentioned three times bringing those who dare to attack Americans abroad to justice. What about Americans who attack foreigners and their deserved justice? (Except on their own soil they are not really the “foreigners,” our troops and operatives are.) What about innocents abroad dying, being wounded or displaced in staggering numbers as "collateral damage" due to massive US military violence and/or massive CIA-engineered enabling of foreign mercenaries or, in the cases of Libya and Syria, ethnic-avenging jihadists including Al Qaeda!
So let’s explore, with the help of Van Auken, the reality behind Obama's 30 minutes of hypocrisy and war-mongering.
International inspectors have found no evidence that Iran has launched a nuclear weapons program. It is developing nuclear power for peaceful purposes. It is a signer of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
Israel stridently accuses Iran of threatening it with a FUTURE nuclear weapon. Israel has a nuclear stockpile of 400 atomic weapons and refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Israel refuses to grant any inspection of its “secret nuclear program.”
Israel and the US are concerned with the “nuclear arms race” at the same time having serious nuclear stockpiles. Iran is not even out of the proverbial gate but Israel and the US are threatening it with war for their alleged intent though incapacity?
Van Auken writes:
Meanwhile, the US has assembled its largest ever armada in the Persian Gulf, including two aircraft carrier battle groups, a new “forward staging base” vessel, and half of the US Navy’s mine-sweeping fleet, all of which are participating in joint exercises with warships from over 30 countries.
Obama’s speech came one day after the US Treasury Department claimed to have uncovered links between Iran’s state oil company and the country’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, providing a pretext for escalating its unilateral sanctions against banks doing business with the company.
Who is threatening whom?
Obama mainly focused on the anti-America protests and attacks at US embassies that have occurred and/or are still occurring in over a dozen countries in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. Obama referred to them, Van Auken stresses, as “mindless violence” and points out how Obama “lumped” them together with the attack on September 11 by Islamist militia on the US consulate and CIA headquarters in Benghazi in which Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three American colleagues were killed.
Van Auken writes:
Obama declared these events “an assault on the very ideals upon which the United Nations was founded—the notion that people can resolve their differences peacefully; that diplomacy can take the place of war.”
What insolence! After a decade of US wars that have claimed the lives of over a million Iraqis and Afghans, the US president is the last person to lecture the people of the Middle East on how to “resolve their differences peacefully” and the advantages of diplomacy over war.
Obama added, “If we are serious about these ideals, we must speak honestly about the deeper causes of this crisis.” However, he did no such thing. Instead, he treated the anger against the US as merely the product of the crude anti-Islamic video “Innocence of the Muslims” and of those who promote “hatred of America, or the West, or Israel.”
There was nothing in the speech about Washington’s wars, its unconditional support for Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians, or its reliance on dictatorial regimes and absolute monarchs to secure semi-colonial control over the region and its energy resources.
Too bad Obama lacks the political and spiritual maturity of Martin Luther King who said:
“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.”
That wisdom is lost to Obama. War seems to be both the process as well as the goal to him.
That is the whole world’s loss, including America's!

[cross-posted at correntewire and sacramento for democracy]
Libby, I am only wishing that wars will finally stop, cause trully it is one of the biggest tragedies. How the authoratives, do not understand that essential that all the rest of us, have as an essential. Rated, with thank you for sharing.
Well said. Obama's message. We, as the world hegemony will not tolerate distractors. After all, they have weapons of 'math instruction'
Since you mentioned the Nobel peace prize that Obama, Kissinger or many other recipients ever deserved I thought I would mention that this is an insult to the recipients that did deserve it including Martin Luther King Jr. Shirin Ebadi appears to be another recipient that deserves it but she has made it clear that she does not support this sabre rattling or worse a possible attack. Roots action is asking people to Join Shirin Ebadi opposing attack on Iran They provided additional background information about The Human Cost of War on Iran in an Email. They've been trying to use their mass propaganda machine to indoctrinate everyone that doesn't recognize their scams to go along with this one way or another even if they don't completely believe it. Fortunately their are a growing number of people that recognize it but it remains to be seen whether this is enough or not.
A good post, full of important things that need to be said.

Obama shows once again that on the spectrum of Nobel Peace Prize winners, he's on the opposite end from Martin Luther King Jr., standing right next to Henry Kissinger.
Giving a child the keys to the car and thinking that he won't take her for a spin is akin to what we did with the boy president. All those uniforms and toys that fly are just too mindblowing for just about anyone who has not spent a long time learning the ins and outs of our military culture - and all those brave, smart and well trained folks that wear them and run them - too much ! A guy who is addicted to the smoke - and smell of burning - this guy could never say no. Will never say no.
Obama has signed on the the New American Century plan - like it or not.
Politics is just the Entertainment Division of the American Military Complex. Great Post, Libby. I trust Obama personally to be as true to peace as he can.
As long as a government - any government - can raise an army, it will use it. Only by the people flatly refusing to take up arms can the government be limited in what it does with its military might.

If we spent half the effort on convincing people not to allow their children, friends, and other relatives to join the military that we do on watching TV, we could deplete the military to the point where it had virtually no power to act aggressively against other nations.

A politician - or political party - is only as strong as the people allow it to be. We've been sitting back, sucking our thumbs, folks, it's time to stand up and be counted. Remember the 60's with its Peace Movement? "Hell no! We won't go!" made a lot of sense. I was always personally impressed by, "Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came....."

Stunning blog libby; you get no disagreement from me on this!

Oddly enough, I'm not so worried that Obama will drag us into a war with Iran. He's struggled with the aftermath of two foolish incredibly expensive military adventures and I'm pretty sure he's got no appetite for a large scale land war with Iran which actually has an Army and Air Force that can fight as opposed to throwing up their hands in surrender or just fading away into the mountains. Unlike Iraq or Afghanistan, Iran is and has been a nation state for nearly 2700 years or approximately 8 times the age of the good old USA. Nuclear weapons in Iran wouldn't be the existential threat that Bibi Netanyahu makes it out to be, and with the next round of elections In the USA and Tehran, we may see Iranians back off from their weapons research programs. The real problem with nuclear weapons in world of Islam is much more likely to come from Pakistan.
give 'em hell.

getting elected has always been more important than telling the truth, one of the consequences of 'repesentative democracy.'
Theoretically and practically the business of a politician is to get elected and remain in office. The concept of democracy is that the public will elect and re-elect their representative who will see to their interest. When information sources, the media, can convince the public as to who represents their interests, then whoever controls the media controls whoever gets into office.

The airwaves theoretically and legally are not owned by those who use it, but are a franchise distributed by the government and those who profit immensely by that distribution control the opinions of the public. There is no reason that political electorate time should not be free to those seeking election since other commercial uses of the are waves are very sufficient for the profit components of supplying access to the airwaves. That freedom would break the power of money alone to control the government and which is rapidly destroying whatever fragments of real democracy remain in the country. Electioneering should not cost billions of dollars, it should be free to those who have a legitimate cause and a reasonable program to seek election. No one seeking to work in the government in the public interest should be blocked from doing so by a lack of funds. Admittedly, this is not an easy thing to work out but a free effective government in the interest of the country demands it.
Stathi, thanks so much. I am watching tonight's news about the justified unrest in your Greece and am praying for all of you! We need a paradigm shift as we say for cooperation, partnership and empathy! The older generation has certainly screwed the younger generation. It is obscene. best, libby

Lyle! Thanks! Wow, that says it well, math instruction when you think of the exponential expansions of death and deplacements!!! best, libby
Zachd! I agree with your take on this. These anti-Nobel winners like Obama ... there should be a petition process to have it taken away from them. Thank you for the links!!! The incredible complacency of people to this war-mongering. Down right bobbleheaded-ness, enabling genocide!!! best, libby

Bart, thanks for your comment. It is getting harder to rally the anger because I have such despair not only by Obama's continuation down the slippery slope of murderous betrayal but so many people I respect continue to apologize for Obama or even shrug it all off. It is horrifying, like what Kevin McCarthy was facing down in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Where is a national moral compass???? We have two obliging-war-mongers to choose from for president? Really, we do have third party choices but American lemmings are either Stockholmed Syndrome or learned helpless and authoritarian sociopathy!!! Change to really believe in? They won't even point their big toe in that direction! best, libby
Snowden, I feared that since Obama was too young to endure the horror of the Viet Nam war it would add to his callowsness, but that was not a given since there are spiritual and humane younger people who have moral compasses. It turned out my fear came to be.

I am sure Obama is very troubled due to his complicated past and its impact, as are so many of us. I think narcissism and ego and the seduction of power and control, even if you are a puppet for overlords, and it erodes more and more of a person's soul. And we have such a hyper-masculinized military and political culture.

I appreciate what you are saying and I totally agree with this:

"Obama has signed on the the New American Century plan - like it or not."

The failure of course is not just Obama's, it lays within the 300 plus million American citizens so many who have put their consciences in the deep freeze for another election cycle. I am watching pbs right now and they are interviewing college kids where Jill Stein has traction and appeal. And they have not and if I recall have never uttered the name JILL STEIN. The omission is incredible. It shows the threat that Stein is to corporate oligarchs and how to omit her so completely is craven and cowardly. I wish we would set up a pbs boycott. Now they are lying about Syria on pbs. Only one side. So disgusting. Do you know the Obama administration dragged its feet on getting the matching fund to the Stein campaign and said they got held up by the convention. I don't know if they have gotten it to her, but the Dems point to dirty tricks of the Repubs and look what they do to Stein.

best, libby
thanks, zanelle, though Obama is enabling evil and the catalyst for evil if you don't want to identify him as evil himself that is hard though we are all participating in evil -- evil -- since our tax dollars go to hegemony and genocide.

His personal interest in peace? How can you compartmentalize that? I know that when Jack Kennedy came into office he was overwhelmed with the macho cronyism of older military and political bullies above him. Robert, his brother, was a good counterpoint for him so he would not be so alone and so susceptible to the sociopathy militarized group-think of the long time clique and power brokers. Yes, both Jack and Bobby eventually were assassinated and certainly enabled the establishment themselves though I always felt Robert would have been a spiritual leader as president. The evil ones play hardball for sure.

Nevertheless, Obama chose to be our president. He owes us a moral compass. Do you really have a moral compass if never use it?

best, libby
Sky, I appreciate your sense of morality about not setting up armies. Getting on the pragmatic slippery slope to just doing the minimum really has unintended consequences. Look at how the CIA and a lot more black ops began as a few guys and turned into an unaccountable Gestapo for the executive branch to wage their own wars covertly.

The mythology and jingoism is so dangerous especially of families willing to send off their kids to slaughter for corporate profits. I admire Cindy Sheehan so much who came to realize the national betrayal of her son Casey's death. She actually met Bush, well, got to shake his hand and tried to tell him some of her serious thoughts and feelings and he rudely turned his back on her after saying some cliche. How dare she want more of his time and attention! Even if her son had died in battle? That burned her so much she became an activist. She was followed during Bush's regime. When Obama came on board she asked, "Where did everybody go." I don't know, Cindy. I can't explain it either!

Watching tv and tuning out as well as letting the tv group think (controlled by corporate interests) enthrall you is so damaging to us as a national community and members of local communities.

Appreciate this:

"A politician - or political party - is only as strong as the people allow it to be. We've been sitting back, sucking our thumbs, folks, it's time to stand up and be counted. Remember the 60's with its Peace Movement? "Hell no! We won't go!" made a lot of sense. I was always personally impressed by, "Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came.....""

I am finishing off a Chicago strike blog I have been nursing along and I was reluctant to write this one, but when I googled and saw how few are even commenting on the status quo war-mongering of Obama at the UN, I dug for anger amidst my despair! And I appreciated the clarity of Van Auken to guide me!

Thanks again for commenting! best, libby
jmac, reality does not enter into the insanity and war addiction in my humble opinion! All these simultaneous deadly wars and indiscriminate droning.

Yes, Pakistan, too, Obama has a particular issue with Pakistan I remember from the get-go. But it seems like the US/NATO/ISRAEL WARMACHINE will go after every country, including China and Russia ultimately.

Shock and awe is the formula, disaster capitalism is the amoral payoff. The fact that there is no countervoice let into the national conversation (I have yet to hear Stein's name uttered on pbs) should cause all of us real despair and frustration.

Thanks for commenting! best, libby
al, thanks! gamesmanship has replaced any hope of statesmanship, of morality, of justice. Representative democracy? What is that? Our representatives are no longer OUR representatives. They work for the one percenters as you know. We have no money to pay lobbyists to lobby for us with those who have taken oaths to represent us. alas. best, libby
Jan, once again, you get to the bone of reality.

More and more I am coming to enormously awed and enraged at the power of the propaganda teebee machine. I was a fan of pbs for years and now I see how they have gone over to the dark side. Tonight there was a story about college kids and voting and no mention of Jill Stein who is popular among college students. No interviews with ANY of those kids. I am going to write Stein and suggest she do a boycott pbs for a week campaign. Also write pbs. I am one small voice but we have got to get the small voices shouting!

When I have passed out flyers for the Greens I often get snotty remarks about "You can't win!" There is no sense of individualism or a willingness to get behind issues with way too many. There is this incredible laziness or cynicism or ignorance or what?

Thanks for your insights once again! best, libby
I'll probably get tarred and feathered for saying this, but it sounded to me as if Ahmadinejad's speech made a lot more sense than Obama's, including that bit about even nuclear powers feeling insecure these days, despite the blanket media hate frenzy against the largely powerless politician.
There is an interesting article at how the Israelis push the USA around to its insane purposes. There is something almost religious about how power is accorded extraneous issues. Black people who have suffered for centuries are loyal to Obama merely because he is black ignoring the total neglect by Obama of the black populace in the latest financial crisis where the back middle class has been terribly injured if not destroyed by Obama's policies. In the same manner the Jews refuse to see the horrors of Israeli policy because of the centuries of their persecution and the climax at the Holocaust. If anything, Israel is causing far more general hatred of Jews than ever existed before and is a total liability to Jewish humanistic traditions.
Alan, thanks so much for commenting! I agree. I have read wonderful speeches/essays by Ahmadinejad which are called diatribes on pbs no less, but are describing reality! I have also read amazing essays by Castro. I read and appreciate and feel like any minute I will get roughed up by being disloyal. Yes, Ahmad does not have weight in Iran but he is an easier target for the corporate media and for Bibi to ramp up and twist his rhetoric!! best, libby

Jan, Lawrence Davidson is a great journalist! Lobbification. It is really insidious , is it not? And it exploits the Jewish tribalism and cronyism of Jewish-Americans. Loyalty with blinders of so many! Even though Mitt may be more golden to Bibi right now than Obama, Obama does not have the courage if he wins to create a paradigm shift. Obama lost his soul. best, libby
from Chris Hedges:

"If you insist on participating in the cash-drenched charade of a two-party democratic election at least be clear about what you are doing. You are, by playing your assigned role as the Democratic or Republican voter in this political theater, giving legitimacy to a corporate agenda that means your own impoverishment and disempowerment. All the things that stand between us and utter destitution—Medicaid, food stamps, Pell grants, Head Start, Social Security, public education, federal grants-in-aid to America’s states and cities, the Women, Infants, and Children nutrition program (WIC), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and home-delivered meals for seniors—are about to be shredded by the corporate state. Our corporate oligarchs are harvesting the nation, grabbing as much as they can, as fast as they can, in the inevitable descent.

"We will be assaulted this January when automatic spending reductions, referred to as “the fiscal cliff,” begin to dismantle and defund some of our most important government programs. Mitt "Romney will not stop it. Barack Obama will not stop it.

"And while Romney has been, courtesy of the magazine Mother Jones, exposed as a shallow hypocrite, Obama is in a class by himself. There is hardly a campaign promise from 2008 that Obama has not broken. This list includes his pledges to support the public option in health care, close Guantanamo, raise the minimum wage, regulate Wall Street, support labor unions in their struggles with employers, reform the Patriot Act, negotiate an equitable peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians, curb our imperial expansion in the Middle East, stop torture, protect reproductive rights, carry out a comprehensive immigration reform, cut the deficit by half, create 5 million new energy jobs and halt home foreclosures. Obama, campaigning in South Carolina in 2007, said that as president he would fight for the right of collective bargaining. “I’d put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself, I’ll … walk on that picket line with you as president of the United States of America,” he said. But when he got his chance to put on those “comfortable pair of shoes” during labor disputes in Madison, Wis., and Chicago he turned his back on working men and women.

"Obama, while promising to defend Social Security, also says he stands behind the planned cuts outlined by his deficit commission, headed by Morgan Stanley board member Erskine Bowles and former Sen. Alan Simpson, a Wyoming Republican.


"Fiscal implosion is only a matter of time. And the corporate state is preparing. Obama’s assault on civil liberties has outpaced that of George W. Bush. The refusal to restore habeas corpus, the use of the Authorization to Use Military Force Act to justify the assassination of U.S. citizens, the passing of the FISA Amendments Act to monitor and eavesdrop on tens of millions of citizens without a warrant, the employment of the Espionage Act six times to threaten whistle-blowers inside the government with prison time, and the administration’s recent emergency appeal of U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest’s permanent injunction of Section 1021(b)(2) of the National Defense Authorization Act give you a hint of the shackles the Democrats, as well as the Republicans, intend to place on all those who contemplate dissent.

"But perhaps the most egregious assault will be carried out by the fossil fuel industry. Obama, who presided over the repudiation of the Kyoto Accords and has done nothing to halt the emission of greenhouse gases, reversed 20 years of federal policy when he permitted the expansion of fracking and offshore drilling. And this acquiescence to big oil and big coal, no doubt useful in bringing in campaign funds, spells disaster for the planet. He has authorized drilling in federally protected lands, along the East Coast, Alaska and four miles off Florida’s Atlantic beaches. Candidate Obama in 2008 stood on the Florida coastline and vowed never to permit drilling there.

"You get the point. Obama is not in charge. Romney would not be in charge. Politicians are the public face of corporate power. They are corporate employees. Their personal narratives, their promises, their rhetoric and their idiosyncrasies are meaningless. And that, perhaps, is why the cost of the two presidential campaigns is estimated to reach an obscene $2.5 billion. The corporate state does not produce a product that is different. It produces brands that are different. And brands cost a lot of money to sell."
"the US president is a puppet of the USWarMachine"
is kind of a requirement of the job. Poor kiddo had to sell his soul,
mr. o. But as souls go, i dunno, his is preferable to the MittenMan's.
Mitt's soul is in transit between paradise before life
and paradise after life. I cannot see how he could truly give a shit
how many american boys or iranian women and children
or, fuck it, whoever, north koreans, get annihilated.
bang boom. the world goes up in a nuclear ironic flash.
mitt would be in the oval office with his lovely family praying,
knowing they were going to paradise.
which is where the ENEMY those darn Muslims
think they be going when they blow shit up.

Well i just sit back and watch.
There are not many people in this world i truly love.
All of them are gonna die before me.
I got no stake in this.
I wish i did....
All the tub-thumping about Iran and its (so far) non-existent nuclear weapons smells to me suspiciously like the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.

(And for the record, Sky ... I generally concur with your comment, no matter what you think.)
"Mitt Romney is a wolf in a wolf's clothing. Barack Obama is a wolf in a sheep's clothing, but they both essentially have the same agenda.," - Jill Stein

James, thanks for commenting!

You write:

"the US president is a puppet of the USWarMachine"
is kind of a requirement of the job. Poor kiddo had to sell his soul,
mr. o. But as souls go, i dunno, his is preferable to the MittenMan's.

end of quote

I agree with Jill Stein at the top of this comment. I don't think this is as good as it gets. That Obama is as good as it gets. That there could be a paradigm shift to a SANER world in which partnership, cooperation and diplomacy exist. I find both of these men awesomely corrupt. The status quo leadership (not seriously skipping a beat from Bush/Cheney to Obama -- well, maybe to worsen) is corrupt in this country. The status quo with profound and seemingly complete non-accountability for a corrupt crony network of administrators in this country beholding to the one percent that has bribed their way into capturing and ending representative democracy.

Our troops are committing suicide in staggering numbers because of the incredible insanity of their military culture in which they are having to kill or torture innocent people against their own moral principles. Response of our leadership moral compassless-ness of Obama? Neglect and denial and minimization. Stay the course. Stay and worsen Bush's course. Oh, Obama is good at posturing that he cares. So many listen to his rhetoric, rather than calling out what he is actually doing and not doing!

People -- Muslims and anybody else -- many whom are totally innocent, just in the way of the avaricious authoritarian warlords of the US, NATO, Israel which countries are insisting on taking over functioning sovereign countries for their lust for resources and money and power. The people, the infrastructures are abandoned to horrifying conditions as the US/NATO/Israel Warmachine moves on to the next set of victims after decimating the last. Might makes right! These authoritarians, propped up by a craven corporate media, who don't begin to care about humanity, their group-think does not prioritize human decency. However, they will exploit and manipulate the sense of human decency of the citizenry they are getting over on, talk about humanitarian intervention but that is a scam of monstrously Orwellian proportions to perpetrate more EVIL.

Most Muslims are not running around blowing things up. They are the victims of getting blown up. WE ARE THE BLOWER UPPERS!!!! Their lives are devastatingly changed if they manage to survive. If they do survive you can bet that members of their families and friends networks, some of them, have been killed by surreally monstrous bombings, dronings, vicious night raids.

Their food, their water, their homes, their health, their incomes are impacted for the profound worse. The schooling of their children ended. Why? Because some corporate monsters decided it was time to take out their leader, often a very oppressive leader who had been supported by the very people now taking him out!

We as citizens are enabling evil. I wish collectively we would defend human decency. Demand human decency. We are more and more being treated badly by the one percent oligarchs at the hands of our government reps who are willing to turn on the sociopathy on their own fellow country people, not just foreign peoples, at this point, their corruption and addiction to power and control and money has grown so monstrous.

best, libby
Boanerges1 -- YES, it is from the same damn Iraq war-launching playbook. The corporate media helping once again to take us down the same war-drum garden path!!! And this time it is not even about so-called existing (which weren't re Iraq and they knew it but didn't care) weapons of mass destruction, it is about weapons that don't even exist in the present but may exist in the future used as an excuse for war by countries who have hundreds and hundreds of atomic weapons themselves screaming that THEY are afraid. Countries that have caused such death and devastation and displacement it is nearly impossible to wrap one's mind and one's heart around such evil!

best, libby
I wish you would, once for all, tell us what you think of the president.
So Jonathan, I guess that is my right here, correct?

I guess you feel rather smug that the majority here are Obama apologists. That is what your immediate comment suggests in its snarkiness.

I agree with Jill Stein whom I have already quoted above:

"Mitt Romney is a wolf in a wolf's clothing. Barack Obama is a wolf in a sheep's clothing, but they both essentially have the same agenda.," - Jill Stein

Glen Ford of Black Agenda Report believes Obama is the more "effective" evil. I agree with him, too.

Hope things go your way in the election, Libby...and have anybody but Obama elected.

I will love to read your rants for the next several years if that happens!
From Barry Grey at wsws:

"Within American ruling circles, it is well known that plans for war against Iran are far advanced, but there is a conspiracy of silence by both political parties and the media to keep this reality out of the presidential election. The intent is to drag the American people into yet another bloody war in the Middle East on the basis of false pretexts and lies, despite broad popular opposition to an attack on Iran.

"Nothing reveals the anti-democratic and fraudulent character of the elections more clearly than the refusal to explain to the American people the military carnage that is being prepared in their name and allow them to express their democratic will.

"Over the past week, a number of commentaries in the American and European press have warned of an attack by either Israel or the US, or both, against Iran in the near future, and a bipartisan group of former foreign policy officials, retired generals and former legislators has issued a report outlining the potentially catastrophic consequences of an unprovoked attack on the Persian Gulf country.
Some of the recent articles have the character of a pre-emptive political strike by ruling class figures wary of a war against Iran, while others suggest that such a war is necessary and inevitable. The confluence of such commentaries is itself an indication that detailed planning for war is underway.

"At the United Nations on Tuesday, President Obama reiterated that the US will “do what we must” to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is pressing for greater US security guarantees to Israel, whose prime minister, Benyamin Netanyahu, has criticized Obama for not moving quickly enough to launch military action.

"But beyond such general threats, the reality of advanced plans for war is being concealed.

"The National Journal on Monday posted an article entitled “The Path to War with Iran.” The article, prompted by a conference held last Friday by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy on the subject of US-Israeli coordination against Iran, began by noting the significance of Obama’s speech last March before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. “Obama announced a new policy that put the United States and Iran on a collision course from which neither has veered,” the author wrote."
Yes, Frank, and I can trust you will be in continuing DENIAL if Obama wins as the plight of Americans and human beings across the globe will continue to suffer but you will have a lame rationalization for all of that, or not even bother, just go after any nearby messenger of reality. Amazing, that the Obama apologists can not begin to grasp what they are enabling.

I am not for Romney. I am not for Obomney, two corporate candidate twins. Please read the quote from Jill Stein about these two wolves, one in sheep's clothing. After 4 years of crisis it is amazing how the Obamabots need to keep seeing the sheep costume.

Just put your head back in the sand, Frank, and leave me alone. Please!

How sad that the supporters of Obama seem to have to resort to snark since they are clueless as to the real issues going on!
Interesting that Julian Assange also addressed the UN General Assembly yesterday, but the US media forgot to report it.

Here's the link:

RT streamed the entire hearing live.
Oh my! You would love my hippy sister & Bobby, her “paramour” …
I feel at home listening to you..thank u…I love this:
“their group-think does not prioritize human decency.
However, they will exploit and manipulate
the sense of human decency of the citizenry
they are getting over on” re. the Media.
Great insight.
The complicity of the Media in this horror is key.
It dulls the sensibility.

"want of decency is want of sense".
Yes, Frank, and I can trust you will be in continuing DENIAL if Obama wins as the plight of Americans and human beings across the globe will continue to suffer but you will have a lame rationalization for all of that, or not even bother, just go after any nearby messenger of reality. Amazing, that the Obama apologists can not begin to grasp what they are enabling.

I am not for Romney. I am not for Obomney, two corporate candidate twins. Please read the quote from Jill Stein about these two wolves, one in sheep's clothing. After 4 years of crisis it is amazing how the Obamabots need to keep seeing the sheep costume.

Just put your head back in the sand, Frank, and leave me alone. Please!


There won’t be any denial from me, Libby…I realize that no matter who is elected the plight of Americans and human beings across the globe will continue to suffer. I am not supporting Obama because I think he can make things appreciably better, but because he is a much better choice than Romney. You, by the way, ARE supporting Romney, whether you want to acknowledge that or not.

In any case, if you think that Jill Stein can be elected…or that the election of Jill Stein will somehow make a significant difference in that situation, you, Libby, are the one in stark denial.

My head is not in the sand. I am commenting because you invite comments by posting here. Sorry comments that question your thinking on the relevant issues cause you such consternation, but that kind of reaction is one of the major problems of our time.
"One of the major problems of our time" is that

One thing You can ALWAYS count on is that the guy who has been asked by more people than any OS member ever to please not comment on their blog will, with certainty, disregard any such requests and continue to harass the blogger.

apisa has neither a sense of courtesy or decency.


AND, yes, although, I doubt she has ANY chance of winning, I will be proud to abandon the lesser of two evils system and vote for Jill Stein.

Principles are not people who run schools, frank, nor are morals a genus of mushroom
I tried to follow Dr. Bramhall's link to hear Assange's speech to the UN at several offered links nd they all were blocked. I tried to notify Dr.Bramhall by personal message to her blog and that was blocked also. It seems censorship is total on the matter.
Dr. Bramhall sent me a link:
and the speech is available there.
The clear result of the speech is to wither Obama to the obvious fraud he is and raise the stature of Assange to the level where the open fear of the current US government of the raw truths of its frightful abuses are made open and pointed. The fierce attacks on Assange and Bradley Manning indicate without doubt that their efforts have struck a vital area that has grown out of the G.W.Bush and Obama administrations which cower under the umbrella of freedom and decency while constructing an agenda of secrecy and suppression and horror and brutality that can only be characterized as originating in the most despicable motivations of a police state.

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